一目了然的【肺结核检测】小科普 |
一目了然的【肺结核检测】小科普纪堂君 纪堂教育 2018-06-28 小鲜肉 什么?UKVI英国内政部又叒叕变更政策了??? 别担心,纪堂君来帮你划重点。 JT Education 所有第四层级的签证 结果将在英国境内作出决定 为了确保第四层级签证的决策的稳定性,英国内政部已经将其权移到位于谢菲尔德的英国内政部第四层级负责部门。对于英国境外学生申请签证的流程,例如在线提交申请表,去签证申请中心采集生物信息,面试以及提交材料等步骤不会有任何改变。唯一的不同就是,英国驻外国大使馆的工作人员将不再有签证的决策权,学生的材料将被全部当场扫描并发送到位于谢菲尔德的相关部门进行审理。 这个决定已经实施一段时间了,今年夏天将是第四层级签证第一次在英国进行审理并作出决定。内政部已经再三声明此项变化将不会影响到签证申请审理的效率和时长。不过,就目前来看并非每位位于谢菲尔德的内政部工作人员都有处理不同银行资金证明等其他签证材料的丰富经验,纪堂君将密切关注签此次证审理的效率。 All Tier 4 Decisions are being made in the UK. The UK Home Office (UKVI) has moved all of the TIER 4 Visa application decision making to the UKVI Tier 4 unit in Sheffield. The UKVI have confirmed that this is to ensure greater consistency in their decision making. For students who apply for their visa from outside the UK the process of applying online and going to a Visa Application Centre for their Biometric enrolment, interview and submission of documents will not change. However, their documents will be scanned and sent to the unit in Sheffield for a decision on their application to be taken. UK Embassy staff in the country of application will no longer be taking the decision at the point of application. The moving of Tier 4 Visa decision making from overseas to the UK has been ongoing for some time, and this summer will be the first time that all Tier 4 Visa application decisions will be made in the UK. 家长同意书与关系证明文件的要求 内政部针对第四层级指导文件以及移民法规中要求做出说明,学生在接受父母或者合法监护人对于其在英学业的财政资助时,必须提交关系证明相关文件。这些文件可以是:包含学生本人以及父母双方姓名的出生证明,或者包含学生本人以及父母(合法监护人)姓名的领养证明,或者含有学生法定监护人姓名、以及父母或者法定监护人确认他们同意在资金方面支持学生在英国因学业在大学学习停留期间的法律文件。 Requirements for parental consent along with evidence of the relationship The UKVI has clarified in the Tier 4 Guidance and UK Immigration Rules that students who are receiving funding from their parents or legal guardian to financially support their studies in the UK must show evidence of the relationship. This is either; a birth certificate showing the name(s) of the parents or; a certificate of adoption that shows the name(s) of the parent(s) or legal guardian or; a court document naming the students legal guardian along with a supporting letter from the parents or legal guardian confirming their agreement to support a student financially in the UK for the duration and purpose of studying at the University. 关于教育贷款的用途变化 内政部已经更新了第四层级指导文件以及移民法规中“学术或教育贷款”认可的用途可以是直接支付给学生个人或直接支付给第四层级担保人,用以表明学生有足够的资金可以支持其在英国第四层级下完成课程的学习。 Changes to the use of educational loans The UKVI has updated the Tier 4 Guidance and Immigration rules to allow the use of 'academic or educational loans' which are paid either to the student or directly to the Tier 4 sponsor for the purposes of evidencing that a student has the money needed to complete a course of study in the UK on Tier 4. RRQF等级将替代NQF等级 英国内政部目前正在更新所有的指导文件和网申表格,将根据英国国家资格体系的调整,用RQF等级替代原有的NQF等级。这两者之间的等级数目将不会有任何变化,只是名称进行了调整,由原有的“国家资格体系”(NQF)变为“监管资格体系”(RQF)。在过渡时期,两种用法可并用。 Replacing NQF levels with RQF levels The UKVI are in the process of updating all of their guidance and online forms to replace NQF levels to RQF levels in line with changes to the UK qualification framework. There is no difference to the number of the level only the name of the qualifications frame work is being changed from National Qualifications Framework (NQF) to Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF). In the interim period the use of NQF and RQF levels will be allowed. 增强了逾期逗留英国的处罚力度 内政部缩减了在签证结束后留在英国(逾期逗留)的时长处罚规定——逾期逗留将被12个月之内不得再次入境,而逾期逗留时长现从90天缩减到30天。 Increased penalties for overstaying in the UK The UKVI has reduced the amount of time a person staying in the UK after the end of their Visa (overstaying) will have before being given a 12 month re-entry ban to the UK. This has been reduced from 90 days to 30 days. 此项变更适用于英国移民法规中涉及的所有英国签证类别,不仅限于第四层级签证。 This change is in the UK Immigration Rules and is for all UK Visa category's not just Tier 4. 关于工作周的定义 英国移民法规已经变更了第四层级签证中关于一周工作时间的定义,现在第四层级签证中的工作周意为从周一开始的7天。此项规定并不影响之前签证中规定的学生可以工作的小时数目。 Definition of a working week The UK Immigration Rules have been changed to define a working week for a person on a Tier 4 Visa to mean a 7 day period starting on a Monday. This does not change the number of hours a student can work as stated on their Visa. 为避免错过开学日期,请大家预留出足够时间准备签证材料,并尽早递交申请! 纪堂教育也为大家提供全面的专业签证服务, 让您不会手忙脚乱,没有后顾之忧。 当然我们也贴心的为大家准备了签证福利,详情请戳下一条推送。 有任何英国留学方面的问题,都可以随时问纪堂君哦! 85-87 Bayham Street London NW1 0AG +44 (0)207 4247 952 uk@jteducation.com 长 按 关 注 |
The International Recruitment Team at City has been very impressed by JT Education since we started working with them. They are a very professional, effective agent who take students’ best interest at heart. We are looking forward to...
I have been very impressed with JT Education since we have started working with them. Their team work in the best interest of their students, and are extremely knowledgeable and professional. I look forward to working more with them...
I am very impressed with JT Education’s service to its students, the team is very knowledgeable, responsive, thorough and dedicated. I have known Diane and Yang for many years and have complete trust in their experience and expertise...
We have been working with the JT Education Team since 2016 and they are a valuable partner for us in the UK. They are a lovely team and work hard for their students.
布里斯托大学的历史可追溯至1876年创立的布里斯托尔大学学院,后者是全英国最早平等录取男女学生的高等教育机构。1893年,布里斯托大学学院与布里斯托尔医学院合并。学院与Merchant Venturers技术学院(Merchant Venturers" Technical College)于1909年合并成为布里斯托大学。布里斯托大学现已成为一所世界一流的高等学府。